"Great Leaders are women and men who use their positions to serve others. They put their people before themselves"

"True Leaders are motivated by loving concern rather than a desire for personal glory; and are willing to pay the price"

"Great Leaders love people more than they love their position"

"Successful Leaders are People Focused"

"Leadership is more about People than about position and benefits"

" Leadership is the process of helping people to achieve set goals"

" Leadership generally should be viewed as a position of service to people; not the traditional, autocratic, and hierarchical modes of leadership which breed mistrust and resentment"

" Success cannot be attained without people. Leadership is all about people"

" To lead is to Influence people"

" Leaders Influence followers by communicating ideas, gaining acceptance of them, and motivating followers to support and implementing the Ideas through change (Lussier & Achua, 2010)"

" Leaders are both born and made"

" A follower is a Person being influenced by a Leader"